What Have You Gained Through Obamacare?

Now that the holiday season has come to an end and we’ve entered 2015, you will begin to hear a lot of information about the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) as a new Congress takes office. For years now, we have heard comments on the new system and about its flaws and inherent shortcomings, but now that it is implemented, what do the elderly stand to lose should the law become repealed?
Quite a few things have already become implemented, slowly, since the health care bill’s passing in March of 2010. Some of these things you may find beneficial and will miss if the law becomes extinct without replacing it with something better. Will these effect you or your loved ones?
According to the AARP, here are some of the top things that our nation’s elderly are now receiving through the Affordable Care Act and potentially have a chance of being cancelled.
Closing the Donut Hole
If you are on Medicare Part D, you know there is a gap in your prescription drug plan. With this portion of the Affordable Care Act, you get a discount on drugs in this gap. This year, that amount for name brand prescription drugs is 55%. By 2020, this discount will be 100%.
Preventative Care
Finding out you have a disease early can equate to living longer. You can work with your doctor now to keep you healthy. The preventative care plan includes: a yearly wellness visit and screenings for diabetes and common cancers. This is not a complete physical, but this can be accessed through the Medicare Advantage Plan for an additional cost.
Increased Access to Primary Care
Have you ever tried to go to a doctor who doesn’t accept Medicare patients? With the Affordable Care Act, physicians are now paid a bonus to provide quality care, thus expanding the base of doctors that you can go through.
Better Protection Against Medicare Fraud
The Affordable Healthcare Act has also put money in place to combat fraud in Medicare. Under the older rules, Medicare fraud was rampant and led to the concerns that Medicare would be out of money. With this protection, the Affordable Care Act looks to add to Medicare’s viability.
If you have any questions about the Affordable Care Act, feel free to contact the Kabb Law Firm at 216.991.KABB (5222).