Northeast Ohio Care Coordination
The Kabb Law Firm locates and coordinates needed care and community services, offers family education and serves as the elder’s advocate.
This enables us to lighten the load for family caregivers, improve the elder’s quality of life and, on occasion, even postpone the need for nursing home care.
We work with clients in the Northeast Ohio area to get the coordinated care that helps them thrive.

Care Coordinator Duties
If the elder has to move into a residential care facility, the care coordinator:
- Makes regular visits to check on the resident
- Maintains the elder’s relationship with the firm
- Assesses the quality of care
- Serves as family’s advocate in business/administrative situations
If good care is not being provided, the Kabb Law Firm intervenes to resolve problems before injury occurs, thereby offering reassurance to family members — near and far — that the elder is enjoying the highest quality of life.
Benefits of Coordinated Care
Northeast Ohio elders and those who have special needs might have a hard time standing up as their own advocate.
One of the primary benefits that these individuals enjoy is that they know they can rest easy while we stand in on their behalf to get them what they need.
Another benefit is that this takes the pressure off family members and friends. Now, those individuals can focus on making memories with their loved one instead of trying coordinate care. It also gives them the peace of mind to know that our client’s legal rights are going to be upheld since we are working in their stead.
If you or a loved one needs care coordination in Northeast Ohio, our team at Kabb Law in Beachwood, OH, is ready to help.
Contact us today for a consultation to learn how we assist our clients in getting the care they need.