Celebrate National Grandparents Day September 12, 2021

Grandparents Day

National Grandparents Day is always commemorated on the first Sunday following Labor Day. This year Grandparents Day falls on September 12th

National Grandparents Day was signed as a proclamation by President Jimmy Carter on August 3, 1978.
But many consider the founder for this day to be attributed to Marian Lucille Herndon McQuade. She was a housewife in West Virginia who spent years educating people about how important senior citizens are, and the contributions that they can make to society. So, on the day that Jimmy Carter signed the proclamation, Marian Lucille Herndon McQuade received a personal call from the White House.

Grandparents are so easy to love because they always want what’s best for their grandkids. They have more wisdom than a lot of grandkids can even imagine. Because of the experiences they’ve had in their long lives, they have a lot of wisdom to pass on. And, most of all, we wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for our grandparents.

7 Creative Ways To Celebrate National Grandparents Day

There are several ways to celebrate Grandparents Day.
National Day Calendar suggests

  • (1) Pick up the phone.  Your grandparents adore calls from you.
  • (2) Plan a day in which you will do their favorite things.
  • (3) Even if you are in the same town as your grandparents, write them a letter. They will cherish it and reread it many times over the years.
  • (4) Learn something from your grandparent. Was your granddad a great fisherman? Have him teach you how. Was your grandmother a terrific baker? Have her teach you how to make her outstanding chocolate chip cookies.
  • (5) Help them out. Do some garage cleaning, run some errands, or just take out the trash. Nobody will be more grateful than our grandparents, and they will brag about you constantly.
  • (6) Take a photo with your grandparents and send them a copy. Also, take the time to go through old photo albums with them. They will love knowing that you’re interested in their history.
  • (7) Adopt a grandparent. There are folks out there who have no grandchildren. This is a hard day for them. Adopt a pair of these loveable elders. They would adore having the caring attention from someone just like you.

Some Fun Grandparents Facts

Here are some fun facts about Grandparents:

(1) More than half the grandparents in the US are baby boomers.

(2) 10% of the US grandparents have tattoos.

(3) Some famous people who have been raised by their grandparents are Oprah Winfrey, Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, actor Jack Nicholson, singer Willie Nelson, funny lady Carol Burnett, and poet Maya Angelou.

(4) In 2004, “A Song for Grandma and Grandpa” by Johnny Prill became the official song of the United States National Grandparents Day holiday. The forget-me-not is the official flower for National Grandparents Day. 

(5) Grandparents are younger than ever today with a median age of 48 – which brings me to my next subject for this day:

Great Grandparents

Grandparents Day

Many of today’s generation have at least one great-grandparent. People are living much longer these days, and more and more people know their great-grandparents. Estimates show that in the year 2030, about 70% of children who are eight years old will have a great-grandparent who is alive.

As great-grandparents you have the advantage of being done with your careers and having all the freedom you need to spoil and indulge in your great-grandchildren. Be sure to pass on family stories.

As a great-grandchild visit your great-grandparents and listen to their stories. Even if you’ve heard them hundreds of times. They held your little hands when you were small, now it’s time for you to hold theirs.

We, at Kabb Law, have a special love for grandparents and great-grandparents. If you are one. Call us at 216-991-5222 and tell us about your great-grandchildren.