Ideas to Stay Active After Retirement

Staying Active After Retirement

Retiring is a wonderful luxury that most seniors have worked toward their entire life. They’ve put in long hours, hard work, and sacrificed many things to get to where they are today and nothing sounds more glamorous than sitting back, feet up, and relaxing around the house during retirement. However, balancing retirement and activities is crucial to maintaining well-being, balance, and a healthy lifestyle.

It’s important that seniors find an exercise that they enjoy doing – Whether that is taking a walk first thing in the morning or running around with the grandkids every afternoon. There’s more time available during retirement to promote a healthy fulfilling lifestyle.  Routine daily exercise, according to doctors, will improve overall health. Exercise also improves mood and mental capacity. Getting older comes with making decisions that aren’t always fun, planning further for end-of-life, and doing things that can overstimulate the brain, as well as add stress to everyday life. It’s a great time for seniors to surround themselves with friends, take up yoga, get involved in volunteering, or take a class every day at the local rec center.

Staying social can be a challenge for our elders. Sometimes, when a loved one passes, the world can seem like it’s falling apart, especially when you’ve built your life around them for 30+ years. Although it may be a challenge to keep seniors up and around, a great place to start is at a local senior center where like-minded people are dealing with the same struggles. Knitting club, cards, bingo or quilting clubs, are offered all over the country and provides interactions that can help fight off memory loss, fatigue, and depression. Being social reduces stress.

Getting a part-time job seems ridiculous, right? You just quit working – why would you go back? Now is the time to do what you’ve always enjoyed. Maybe you always wanted to work at a book store or the local rec center. Maybe you’ve dreamed of working on the dock in the summer and fueling boats. Whatever it is, it’s good for your health. It improves social skills, mental and physical health, and overall well-being. Pick up a seasonal gig at a local business or check tickets at the zoo. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something you’ve always wanted to do but never thought you could because it didn’t pay the bills or was more of a hobby than a lifestyle.

Volunteering is good for the soul. It adds emotional, physical, mental, and social benefits to your life. It expands horizons, helps avoid social isolation, and can lower risk, blood pressure, and stress by giving back. Check out the local food bank, pet shelter, soup kitchen, or Veteran’s hospitals. Figure out what your passion is and align with it.

Overall, seniors need clear minds and open hearts during Act III of life. Decisions that are made during these times can be stressful and life events can cause social isolation, anxiety, and depression. The best way to combat these moments, after retirement, is to stay active, socialize, volunteer, or get a part-time job that allows you the flexibility of scheduling. Take these moments in stride, enjoy them, love them and savor them. You’ve worked really hard to get here.

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