March Is National Nutrition Month

National Nutrition Month

What a wonderful harbinger of spring is a healthy body poised to go outside and be active in the warming weather.

Unfortunately, too many Americans will never be able to be active in the great outdoors because of excess weight.  Nearly two-thirds of adults in the USA are overweight. And, child obesity is on a growth trend as well.

Since March is National Nutrition Month, it may be a good time to learn how your food choices affect your body. This especially applies to senior adults where illnesses and diseases have a higher consequence. For instance, too much salt can increase blood pressure, a lack of calcium can speed osteoporosis and high fats can contribute to some cancers.

What are some benefits from good nutrition for seniors?

  1. Live longer and stronger with good nutrition which keeps muscles, bones, organs and other body parts strong for the long haul.
  2. Sharpen your mind with the key nutrients found in fruit, leafy vegetables, fish and nuts that are packed with omega-3 fatty acids.  These can increase focus and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s.
  3. Feel better.  A wholesome meal will give you more energy and help you to look better which, in turn, will boost your mood and self-esteem.

As you age, your body needs the following foods:

  1. Fruits that are rich in fiber and vitamins. You should have 2 to 3 servings a day, and look for color-rich fruits such as berries or melons.
  2. Veggies are crucial.  Be sure to pick dark leafy greens such as kale and broccoli, as well as orange and yellow vegetables such as carrots, squash and yams.
  3. Calcium intake is important.  This can be with dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cheese.  The non-dairy calcium-rich foods are tofu, broccoli and kale.
  4. Grains – this means whole grains and not breads and pastas that have been made from over-processed white flour.
  5. Protein – Most adults over 50 need about 1 to 1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight. It is a good idea to vary your source of protein between red meat, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, nuts and dairy products.

There are many lifestyle changes that can affect the diet of the elderly.  Among those are loneliness and depression, death or divorce and living on a limited budget. Try to avoid eating alone by making a date with a friend and joining a class or activity where you will meet new people.

We can help at Kabb Law.  We have suggestions and help for you to break your old habits and begin some new ones.  Call us at 216-991-KABB (5222).