Ohio Driving Laws and Seniors

Seniors and elders in Ohio should be aware of the driving laws in the present time. Often a senior driver has been driving for years, but does not realize that they could be breaking the law without even knowing it. The rule is expected to be known, so ignorance is not bliss behind the wheel. When you are not aware of new and constantly evolving legislation to improve safety of the roads, it is important to try to keep your awareness open to the news of driving on the road.
In Ohio, What Driving Laws Exist for Seniors?
Being a member of the safe roads in Ohio, the elder driver should know that there are no existing rules specifically setup for senior drivers, but they must, like any other driver on the road, know the current laws. The speed limit for areas traveled, may change, so even though an area was limited to 55 at one time, may be increased or decreased. Being able to see the signs on the road is paramount to being a safe driver at any age. And like any driver, the license must be renewed every four years, regardless if the driver does this step in person or through the mail if they are out of state. Taking a picture, and being tested on eyesight and appropriate eyewear is important.
Senior Driving Laws are No Different
Safe driving means you can see and respond to dangers and action on the road effectively. Even though there are no specific rules for seniors, it is important that you can adequately handle the vehicle and respond in defense when a dangerous situation occurs. Often seniors can be slower in response, so driving can be easier during daylight hours, where vision is an easier task at hand. Nighttime driving too, can be hard on anyone, as we are not rested as much at night as we are during the day. Frequent breaks during long driving sessions is important for anyone, as it gives your circulation time to rest and respond to appropriate breaks and motion. Sitting in one place for more than an hour is not good for anyone. If you have time, do not rush, and take breaks to ensure your safe arrival.
Renewal of Driving Laws for Seniors

If you renew your license as a senior, you do not have to take a driving test, as the state believes you understand fully how to operate your vehicle. With adequate guidance on knowing your limits on how much driving you can do in a day, and when you are at your best to see and respond to road conditions, you can plan your day around when is the best time for you to be driving on the road.