Wills For Baby Boomers

No one wants to think about dying. However, when our Baby Boomers are reaching into their seventies and late sixties, it’s time to consider putting together a will or advanced directive if you don’t already have one. If not, it is important for you to have something in writing that can be held up in court when you pass on.

There are 76 million Baby Boomers living in the United States today. This is the time for those people to secure their long term financial planning. You prepare a will so your family can be taken care of after you are gone. However, many people find this task depressing and intimidating. They may put it off because they do not know an attorney who deals in the signing of wills or they feel that everything will just be left to their spouse.

It is important that you are not one of these people.

Getting a will signed is not a very difficult process. You find an attorney you trust, then tell them, typically by a percentage, what you want to give to whom. The attorney writes up your will and you, along with some witnesses, sign the document. That’s it!

The cost of having your will written can vary, but it should not be prohibitive. The more in depth and complex your will becomes, the more the cost. You can have a will drawn up online, but it is better to hire a professional. The difference here is that you are taking a chance by doing it yourself. This can mean the will being contested after you are gone.

If you have any questions about having a will drawn up, feel free to contact the Kabb Law offices at 216.991.KABB (5222).