Social Security & Supplemental Security Income

Most people never expect to become disabled and assume that if they do, Social Security will always be there. Unfortunately, that is often not the case. Social Security Disability requires a minimum number of quarters of work coverage in the last ten years.
You may not realize that instead of waiting 3-7 years, or settling for less money per month, you can get your full Social Security benefit as soon as disability is proven. Plus, once you’re on Social Security for 24 months, Medicare coverage begins — which is why waiting is never the best solution.
Also, many feel that there is no use appealing a negative Social Security or Supplemental Security Income decision. That couldn’t be further from the truth. We’ve helped hundreds of people get the Social Security and SSI benefits they deserved.
The Kabb Law firm can help untangle the complex legal web of medical and vocational issues involved with your case.
Contact us today to learn how.