Elder Parents And Owning A Gun

Forbes Magazine recently ran an article on this very touchy topic about Second Amendment rights and when the elderly should not have access to firearms. While we may not hesitate to broach the topic of a parent getting behind the wheel of a vehicle, when do you bring up that it may be time to give up their guns?
The world is a changing place and as medical advances have helped us all to lead longer and healthier lives, other issues such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are becoming more common.
While our parents may have grown up with guns and protected our country through World War Two, Korea, and Vietnam, do we have the right to take a loaded weapon away from them?
The example used in the Forbes article was about an 89 year old man who owned a firearm in his younger days to protect his business, but continued to keep the loaded weapon hear him even though he was retired and living in a very safe, gated community with a 24-hour doorman.
In this example, should the person be forced to relinquish his firearm? The answer is difficult. They have a right to bear arms. But when do you determine if they should?
Consider the following:
Is your parent or loved one suffering from a cognitive disorder, such as dementia? In this case, they may not have the capacity to use a weapon, let alone own one.
How is their eyesight? Is it possible that they may hurt or injure a loved one or themselves simply by not being able to perceive a real threat?
Are they a danger to themselves? In 2010, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), 4,276 adults over the age of 65, committed suicide with a firearm. Often this happens due to the pain from illness, loneliness, or loss of independence.
We’re not trying to persuade you or your loved ones to give up their constitutional rights over owning a gun. Rather, you should just consider the possible outcomes of having a loaded firearm in one’s possession and the consequences that may occur.
If you would like more information or have any questions, please contact the Kabb Law Firm at 216.991.KABB (5222).