New Treatments for Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a terrible disease that attacks the nervous system. MS destroys the protective coating that surrounds nerves, called myelin. When the myelin deteriorates, a person with MS can experience pain throughout the body, vision problems, muscle spasms, slurred speech, and memory/cognitive loss. Fortunately, years of research have led to new treatments for this disease. While there is still no cure, these treatments can allow people with MS to have a better quality of life.
The new treatments have been found to slow the progression of MS. They can also minimize the symptoms caused by the disease when it flares up and improve the physical and mental functions of it’s victims. Listed here are five such treatments that you or a loved one may have access to through your physician.
This drug was approved by the FDA in 2012. It helps to slow down the progression of the disease and lower the rate of relapses. This is only the second drug approved for MS treatment.
Dimethyl Fumarate
While Teriflunomide slows the progression of MS, this drug, approved in 2013, has been shown to stop the immune system from attacking the patient’s myelin. It is designed to help those with relapsing-remitting MS: a form of MS that causes people to go back into symptoms after periods of remission.
This multiple sclerosis drug has been found to increase mobility in MS patients. It does so by blocking potassium channels in the nerves which improve the nerve conduction. As a result, people on this drug experience less pain and increase their walking speeds and distance.
Memory Rehabilitation
While not a drug, this type of rehabilitation, known as Modified Story Memory Technique (mSMT) has been helpful with patients’ cognitive skills. By use of a story-based association between images and context, it has been found beneficial in helping the brain be more active.
The Myelin Patch
When the myelin around the nerves is destroyed, it cannot be fixed. However, scientists studied in 2013 the use of a myelin peptide patch worn directly on the skin. The patch has no bad effects and has been shown to lessen the occurrence of relapses in the MS.
While these treatments may not work for everyone, science is working towards finding the best path to cure this disease. Check with your physician or contact the Kabb Law offices at 216.991.KABB (5222).