The Benefits of Medical Marijuana For Seniors

medical marijuana for seniors

Question: What Are The 3 M’s? Answer: Miracle Medical Marijuana

And the relief that patients get from medical marijuana is truly a miracle.

The term medical marijuana refers both to the entire plant and its extracts. The U.S. population of adults over the age of 65 (the baby boomers) is the fastest demographic group using medical marijuana and reporting positive results.

We, at the Kabb Law Firm, want to discuss the benefits of medical marijuana in treating diseases and their symptoms, and if there are any risks regarding its use.

Although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)has not approved the entire marijuana plant as medicine (it is legal in 33 states). But the FDA has approved Epidiolex and synthetic cannabinoids, dronabinol, and nabilone. Epidiolex is used to treat two rare forms of childhood epilepsy. Synthetic cannabinoids, dronabinol, and nabilone are used to treat nausea and vomiting caused by cancer chemotherapy. 

Some of the qualifying medical conditions that can benefit from medical marijuana are cancer, psychiatric disorders, and terminal illnesses. Once a patient’s condition is qualified, they are issued a medical marijuana card to be used at marijuana dispensaries where they have a choice of ways to consume it:

  1. Smoking it.
  2. Inhaling it through a vaporizer, which turns it into a mist.
  3. Eating it such as in an edible brownie.
  4. Applying it to the skin as a lotion, spray, oil, or cream.
  5. Dropping an extract under the tongue.

Health Benefits of Marijuana

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The list of health and medical benefits is very impressive. 
These include 

(1) reducing inflammation, 
(2) easing anxiety and depression, 
(3) relieving headaches and migraines, 
(4) reducing the occurrence of seizures and convulsions, 
(5) relief from short, chronic pain, 
(6) inducing sedative effects, 
(7) easing nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy, 
(8) Killing cancer cells and slowing tumor growth, 
(9) relaxing tight muscles and spasms, 
(10) stimulating the appetite, 
(11) easing Parkinson’s Disease symptoms, 
(12) reducing eye pressure.

Five Important Things Seniors Should Know About Medical Marijuana

Addict, Addiction, Cannabinol, Cannabis

1. It is safer than many prescribed medications with significantly fewer side effects, and no one has ever died from a marijuana overdose.

2. It’s not physically addictive. They say that the effects of stopping marijuana are, at most, the same as quitting drinking coffee.

3. It can possibly replace many prescription drugs because its properties target various conditions such as inflamed joints, high blood pressure, chronic pain, digestive disorders, constipation, headaches, insomnia, anxiety, cognitive awareness, and more.

4. It will not cause brain damage or lower your IQ.
Instead in studies with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s patients, it was found that “marijuana gradually encouraged new neural pathways, allowing those with impaired brain function to potentially halt further degeneration and even encourage brain function.”

5. In a recent study that was published in The American Journal of Epidemiology it was found that there was a “connection between marijuana use and body weight, showing that rates of obesity are lower by roughly a third in people who smoke marijuana at least three times a week, compared with those who don’t use marijuana at all”.

We’re Here to Assist You

Today’s senior citizens grew up during a period when cannabis was illegal in the United States.  Because of this, misinformation and negative stigmas surrounding its use still persist amongst many members of the golden generation. Ironically, they are probably the one age demographic that benefits most from this natural plant.

If you found this article enlightening and informative and want to get more information, Kabb Law Firm’s social worker can help get you started on the path to learning about medical marijuana. Call us at 216-991-5222 today.