6 Tips For Celebrating Thanksgiving With Senior Loved Ones
Celebrating Thanksgiving with senior loved ones might require some adjustments to cater to their requirements. Here are 6 tips to make sure everyone enjoys this special holiday.
Celebrating Thanksgiving with senior loved ones might require some adjustments to cater to their requirements. Here are 6 tips to make sure everyone enjoys this special holiday.
Creating safe bathrooms for seniors doesn’t have to be costly or difficult to achieve. In this article we explore seven cost effective and easy ways to make bathrooms as senior friendly as possible.
We thought that the time for seniors to have some October fun was long overdue. So, we’ve put together a trivia for seniors contest from the ’50s, ’60s, and ’70s.
We hope you enjoy The Kabb Law Trivia For Seniors Contest.
Being outside in beautiful fall weather is captivating, but it can bring on a new set of health risks for seniors.
We have prepared an autumn safety list to help you out.
For older drivers, the ability to continue driving themselves is crucial for both their independence and mental health. Here is a self-evaluation test to see if you’re fi for the road.
National Grandparents Day is commemorated on the first Sunday following Labor Day. Here are some fun and creative ways to celebrate & make it extra special!
To salt or not to salt? That is the question. Can I use table salt, or will it cause hypertension? Are salt and high blood pressure necessarily correlated? Lets explore the facts.
Many retirement guides are eager to give you numerous suggestions on spending all your new free time.
These suggestions include everything from travel to exercising.
But the big questions that they don’t tackle are will your money hold out, how do you budget and still have a great time, and how do you not worry?
Everyone has heard the expression ‘laughter is the best medicine’. In this article, we explore the mental, physical, and social benefits of laughter for seniors.
The Added Value of a Law Firm ElderCare Coordinator Why have a social worker and an ElderCare Coordinator at an Elder Care Law Firm? There
Having an Elder Care Coordinator on Your Side Sometimes, when having a loved one in a nursing home or an assisted living facility, circumstances can
Storm season is here, and that means something else has arrived: home repair scams. A member of the Lyndhurst community Facebook page recently posted that
Achieve Peace of Mind For You and Your Loved Ones.